Reporting feature of Apache JMeter – Demo

on 19 June 2019 DEVOPS, JMETER, LOAD_TESTING, PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY and Tags: , , , , with 0 comments

This video tutorial is a demo of reporting feature of Apache JMeter.

It shows how to configure your test plan and the setup required to generate the HTML dynamic report of JMeter which contains a wealth of informations to analyze your load test.

Demo of reporting feature of Apache JMeter

Generate a report

Beforehand : Create a test plan using recording

First of all, you will need to create the Test Plan.

⇒ JMeter has recorded the different requests when you click on clickblog of your website.

You have something like this:

To create your test plan :

1- You can use the recording template:

  • On the toolbar, click on the option “Templates”
  • Select the template “Recording” into the list of available templates
  • Click on the button “Create” or “Merge”

JMeter - to create your test plan, you can use the recording template.

2 – You can do your recording by navigating on your website and recording some transactions. JMeter will create on each click, a transaction controller and children composed of http request made on each click.

Step 1 : Correlate the test plan

This is out of scope of this demo as it can depend on the technology your application relies on.

Step 2 : Transform Recording Controller into a Transaction Controller

The second step will be to transform this recording controller into a transaction controller because it’s usually the component used to group a set of transactions. 

1. Right click on “Recording Controller”.

2. Click on Change Controller > Logic Controller > Transaction Controller.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Transform Recording Controller into a Transaction Controller

3. Rename this Transaction Controller (in our example : scenario).

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter  - Rename this Transaction Controller

4. To have meaningful names for your management, and a nice and clean report :

a. Remove the numbers on all transactions as JMeter has set one during recording to identify uniquely every click in View Results Tree.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Rename transactions by deleting the numbers put automatically by JMeter

⇒ All transactions were renamed.

b. Select all those transactions and right click on “apply naming policy”

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - apply naming policy

⇒ Result : JMeter has renamed the transaction so that it is able to generate the report correctly.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter
Result : JMeter has renamed the transaction

Step 3 : Add Think times to children

Beforehand, you would have also added a response assertion to your test plan to check that every request gives you the expected response.

1. Right click on your Transaction Controller.

2. Click on “Add Think Times to children”.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Add Think Times to children

⇒ Result : Think times were added.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Result :  Think times were added.

3. In every Think Time element, if necessary, adapt this pause time depending on the transaction.

Step 4 : Setting up thread group

1. Click on Thread Group.

2. Set up the Thread Group to make a load test, complete : 

  • Number of Threads (users)
  • Ramp-up period
  • Duration 
  • Startup delay : to give JMeter warm up to avoid impacting to response time to warm up of JMeter. 
  • Forever:
    • If checked : your users will be each time repeating the scenario infinitely. 
  • Scheduler

In our example: 

Our load test is composed of 5 threads, a 10 seconds ramp-up period. 

Our test will last 60 seconds. 

The thread will start only after 5 seconds.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Setting up thread group

⇒ Result : The test is ready. 

Step 5 : Configuration of report

1. Copy the regular that you have in JMeter.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Configuration of report

2. Put this file in your folder. 

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Configuration of report

3. Open the file and update in the section “Reporting configuration”.

NB : The values that you put depend on your requirement.

a. Uncomment the title to give it a meaningful name. (In our example : Demo by UbikLoadPack)

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - meaningful name of report

b. Uncomment the overall_granularity to change the granularity of the points.

(In our example : Since our load test is very short for the demo, we reduce the granularity of the points to one second otherwise we would have the only point on the graph. )

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter -  the granularity of the points of the graphs

c. Uncomment the APDEX satisfaction threshold and APDEX tolerance threshold. 

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - APDEX satisfaction threshold and APDEX tolerance threshold

4. Configure the transactions to export.

a. Switch to JMeter.

b. On the toolbar, click on the option Tools >Export Transaction.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Configure the transactions to export

c. Copy the value of dashboard report property.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - Configure the transactions to export

d. Paste it in the section “Reporting configuration” of the file.

e. Change filters according to transactions that you are interested in. 

(In our example : For our test plan, we aren’t interested in ClickServices nor HP-UbikLoadPack. So we remove those transactions.)


This way we can filter for our test plan only the transaction we’re interested in.


5. Save these change.

Step 6 : Run JMeter 

1. Switch to “command line”.

2. Go to JMeter folder.

3. Run JMeter with the command:

./jmeter -n -t [location of your test plan (.jmx)] 

-l [location of the CSV output file (.csv)] 

-q [location of your report configuration file (] 

-e -o /data/ubik/ulp/videos/report-for-demo

-n : non-GUI mode

-t : to reference your test plan (.jmx)

-l: to give the CSV output file (.csv). In convention, the same name as the test plan. This file contains all the timings of the request  whether it’s in error or not.

-q : to tell JMeter to use your properties file (

-e : to tell JMeter to generate the rapport on the group test.

-o : is output of the folder

For example 

./jmeter -n -t /data/ubik/ulp/videos/Recording-ULP-For-VideoReport2.jmx -l /data/ubik/ulp/videos/Recording-ULP-For-VideoReport2.csv  -q /data/ubik/ulp/videos/ -e -o /data/ubik/ulp/videos/report-for-demo

JMeter has started the test.
In our example, it will run for 60 seconds as per our settings.
During the performance test run, JMeter gives an update of the test.
First Update of the test. The test has been running for 23 seconds, It has emitted 51 requests with average response time of 814 milliseconds, minimum of 81 milliseconds and maximum of 2373 milliseconds. We have 5 threads running and  0% of errors.
Second update of the test We have an update for the last 31 seconds and a summary for since the start of the test.
The test is finished.

⇒ Result : It has generated a nice HTML report that contains a wealth of information. 

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - JMeter has generated a nice HTML report that contains a wealth of information. 

The report

Open the report in your browser.


Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - report - dashboard
Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - report - dashboard


You can navigate between the different graphs using the menu on the left.

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - report - charts

Here are some examples of graphs present in the report.

codes per second which is very useful when you want to analyze the type of error
response time distribution, which gives an idea of the response time of your test

All those graphs are dynamic, so you can disable some curves, you can zoom…

Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - report - dynamic charts
Disable some curves
Reporting feature of Apache JMeter - report - dynamic charts

About the video presenter:

Philippe Mouawad is a developer, committer and member of the JMeter Project Management Committee at Apache.

He is also the co-author of the book Master JMeter : from load testing to DevOps.

He currently works as an Architect and technical expert for Ubik-Ingenierie where he leads among other things the development of UbikLoadPack a set of Commercial Plugins for Apache JMeter allowing to load test different protocols like MPEG-DASH, Http Live Streaming (HLS), HSS, HDS, GWT, JavaSerialization, Oracle applications.

About UbikLoadPack:

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