Using HLS and MPEG DASH for Flexible Streaming Videos

on 18 May 2017 Apple HTTP Live Streaming, CLOUD, HLS, HTML5, JMETER, MPEG-DASH, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , with 0 comments
HLS Streaming

Using HLS and MPEG DASH for Flexible Streaming Videos Guest post by Gilad Maayan (Cloudinary) Everyday users watch videos from their phones, tablets, and computers, taking a few moments of their day to learn, to shop, and to be entertained. How many times has that buffering icon caused a user to give up? Time is […]

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Load Testing Smooth Streaming Video with JMeter

on 12 May 2017 JMETER, JMETER-PLUGINS, LOAD_TESTING, Microsoft-Smooth, PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY, SMOOTH Streaming, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , with 0 comments

Load Testing Smooth Streaming Video with JMeter The format Microsoft Smooth Streaming is an adaptive video streaming format created by Microsoft and used to stream content through HTTP requests. This streaming format was first used during the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. Like other adaptive HTTP streaming technologies (Apple HLS, MPEG-DASH, Adobe HDS …), it allows […]

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Load testing MPEG-DASH Video Streaming with Apache JMeter and UbikLoadPack

on 12 September 2016 Apple HTTP Live Streaming, AWS, AZURE, DEVOPS, HLS, JMETER, JMETER-PLUGINS, LOAD_TESTING, PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , with 1 comment

Updated on the 7th of may 2020 MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, ISO/IEC 23009-1:2012) is a vendor free format that is used to stream content through HTTP requests. It is gaining popularity and its usage increases as many providers allow customers to use this format to deliver content (ie various cloud services, even Microsoft […]

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UBIK LOAD PACK Video Streaming Plugin for Apache JMeter released with support for MPEG-DASH and last HLS Draft

on 12 September 2016 Apple HTTP Live Streaming, AZURE, DEVOPS, HLS, JMETER, JMETER-PLUGINS, LOAD_TESTING, MPEG-DASH, PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , , , , , , with 0 comments

From now on, our plugin supports the Mpeg Dash streaming format. It is now called Ubik Load Pack Video Streaming Plugin and no longer HLS PLugin (version 3.0.0 is associated with this release). The Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP format is the only format to be an international standard (ISO/IEC 23009-1:2012). It is backed-up by […]

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UBIKLOADPACK HTTP Live Streaming Plugin 2.0.0 for Apache JMeter is out with new sexy features

on 19 March 2016 AZURE, CLOUD, DEVOPS, HLS, HTML5, JMETER, LOAD_TESTING, REDLINE13, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , , , , , with 0 comments

UBIKLOADPACK HTTP Live Streaming Plugin 2.0.0 for Apache JMeter Support of Microsoft AZURE CLOUD Live Stream URLs format: Plugin now supports Microsoft AZURE HTTP Live Stream URLs like : Thanks to this new feature, you can use the plugin to test your streams delivered through AZURE Cloud, read more about this: Generate HTTP Live […]

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Easy and realistic Load Testing of HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) with Apache JMeter

on 12 January 2015 DEVOPS, HTML5, JMETER, LOAD_TESTING, MEMORY, PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY, TUNING, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , , , , with 3 comments

Updated on the 7th of may 2020 Easy and realistic Load Testing of HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) with Apache JMeter Videos today are ubiquitous. Nearly every website shows videos, particularly those built for Mobile devices. The most efficient way to serve video from website and even more for Mobile devices is to stream it as […]

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