UBIK LOAD PACK Video Streaming Plugin for Apache JMeter released with support for MPEG-DASH and last HLS Draft

on 12 September 2016 Apple HTTP Live Streaming, AZURE, DEVOPS, HLS, JMETER, JMETER-PLUGINS, LOAD_TESTING, MPEG-DASH, PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , , , , , , with 0 comments

We’re happy to announce the release of the new version of UBIK Load Pack Streaming plugin for Apache JMeter with the following new features

New Format Added

From now on, our plugin supports the Mpeg Dash streaming format.

It is now called Ubik Load Pack Video Streaming Plugin and no longer HLS PLugin (version 3.0.0 is associated with this release).

The Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP format is the only format to be an international standard (ISO/IEC 23009-1:2012).

It is backed-up by many companies, you can find more about this on the Dash Industry forum website, so we have no doubt that this format will be widely spread.

To test it in our JMeter plugin, all you need to do is to provide the url of a manifest file. Our plugin will automatically detect the format.

While HTTP Live Streaming playlists use .m3u8 extension, a Mpeg Dash manifest ends with .mpd.

We hope you will enjoy this new feature ! It is now possible to load test the majority of formats in use out there.

jmeter mpeg dash manifest result

Mpeg Dash manifest downloaded with a few video chunks

Support for Microsoft AZURE CLOUD Live Stream URLs format:

The plugin is also able to deal with Microsoft Azure Media Services urls, even for MPEG Dash streaming.

You can read a bit more about this on Microsoft Azure website, but Azure Dash urls look like this :


HTTP Live Streaming Update:

The second most popular Video Streaming format is Apple HLS, this format has been recently updated, we are happy to announce that our plugin has also been upgraded to take into account the latest version of the specs (version 19 as for the time of writing).
You can find those specs HERE.

So try this new version HERE.
Trial is still free and lasts 10 days.

About us:

About UbikLoadPack :

Ubik Load Pack Streaming Solution features