Case Study from the Telco industry : Performance Test video streaming services with UbikLoadPack

on 17 February 2022 AWS, CLOUD, HLS, JMETER, LOAD_TESTING, MPEG-DASH, OTT, PERFORMANCE, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , with 0 comments
Bad OTT streaming performance lags

How to ensure the best quality of viewing experience during the live transmission of a football event ? By Performance Testing video streaming services with UbikLoadPack Recently, one of our client wanted to verify that his infrastructure could properly handle the delivery of a live sport event up to 150 000 watchers. This streaming infrastructure […]

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Update JMeter plugins from CLI in CI/CD

on 20 December 2021 Automation, CI, CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION, DEVOPS, JMETER, JMETER-PLUGINS, PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY and Tags: , , , , , , , , , with 0 comments
Updating JMeter plugins from CLI in CI/CD

Update JMeter plugins from CLI in CI/CD

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JMeter and the Log4j vulnerability

on 14 December 2021 JMETER and Tags: , , , , , , , , with 0 comments
Log4j vulnerability JMeter

Discover the fix, the workaround and the long term solution The problem Last week, the world discovered a major vulnerability in Log4j identified as CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046 If you’re using Apache JMeter <= 5.4.1, you should know that it embeds log4j2 2.13.3 which is affected by this CVE. Log4j vulnerability in JMeter: the fix the JMeter […]

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Case Study from Healthcare sector: Load test of an on-premise streaming infrastructure

on 8 December 2021 AWS, CLOUD, HLS, JMETER, LOAD_TESTING, MPEG-DASH, OTT, PERFORMANCE, VIDEO and Tags: , , , , , , , , , , with 0 comments

How to ensure the best quality of viewing experience during the live transmission of an enterprise communication event ? By load testing the streaming infrastructure with UbikLoadPack Recently, one of our client wanted to verify that his new conferencing infrastructure could properly handle the delivery of a communication and training event for its 4,000 healthcare […]

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Apache Kafka : découverte et prise en main

on 16 November 2021 EVENT and Tags: , , , , with 0 comments

Le meetup Apache Kafka Une fois n’est pas coutume, Ubik Ingénierie s’est réuni ce mardi sur Lille pour boire de la bière et manger des pizzas.Comme il fallait un prétexte, l’un de nos développeurs Java nous a partagé son expertise technique.Il nous a fait découvrir Apache Kafka, le système d’échange de messages entre applications (voir […]

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How to performance test Wowza Streaming Server Engine ?

on 9 November 2021 CI, CLOUD, DEVOPS, HLS, LL-HLS, MPEG-DASH and Tags: , , , , , , , with 0 comments

Read in this blog on how to performance test the performances of Wowza Server Engine with UbikLoadPack Streaming Plugin

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