Ubik Batch Server Cold Deployment

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Cold deployment

What is it

This feature enables the (re)deployment at Server Startup of one or more BARs:

  • If BAR is already deployed the new version is deployed
  • If BAR is not deployed, it is deployed. If file called “<BAR_ID>-binding.xml” is present it is used to customize Pools binding otherwise default mapping is used

What it does exactly

At Startup, the Batch Server will do the following:

  • If BAR with another version exists, it will be undeployed
  • If file <BAR_ID>-binding.xml exists in batches-cold-deploy folder it will be used
  • If file <BAR_ID>-binding.xml does not exist in batches-cold-deploy but exists batches-deploy it will be used
  • Otherwise a default binding that maps logical to same physical name will be created
  • The BAR will be deployed
  • If it succeeds:
  1. It will appear in deployed BARs on BatchAdmin application
  2. Success will appear in Deployment History on BatchAdmin application
  • If it fails:
  1. old BAR (if there was one) will be undeployed
  2. New BAR will not be deployed and moved to batches-deploy-failure and a file called <BAR File Name>.failure will be written that will contains the Failure
  3. Failure will appear in Deployment History on BatchAdmin application

How To

To do this:

  • Put the bar in folder “<INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\batches-cold-deploy”
  • Put a file called “<BAR_ID>-binding.xml” where BAR_ID is the <display-name > in bar.xml to customize JNDI Mapping (see next paragraph)

JNDI Mapping Customization

If you have to customize the mapping of JNDI resources (Pools), example map jdbc/masterdatas to jdbc/masterdatas_beta, you must put in the folder “<INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\batches-cold-deploy” a file called “<BAR_ID>-binding.xml” where BAR_ID is the <display-name > in bar.xml.

Example: If your BAR_ID is “STCOM_BATCH”, you will put a file called STCOM_BATCH-binding.xml that contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE bar-resources 
     PUBLIC "-//Ubik-Ingenierie //DTD BAR Binding Resource Configuration 1.0//EN" 
<bar-resource nameinbar="jdbc/masterdatas" boundname="jdbc/masterdatas_vbeta" />
<bar-resource nameinbar="jdbc/stcom" boundname="jdbc/stcom" />
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